Posts tagged She-Hulk
Thunder Talk Issue 36 - A History of…
Thunder Talk Issue 36 - A History of…
The Wierdos Workshop
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We reminisce about the good 'ol days, when movies were rented from video stores, inbreeding was considered a noble tradition, and Russia was always the bad guy. Beth and Kawika weave us through some film and TV talk while Mark and Wheatley take a deeper dive into some premature comic book adds. Dan has some tips on how to score a cheap Christmas tree and Adam delivers the latest nerd news with WTLK - The Thunder! Plus a whole lot more wrapped into a format that's perfect for anyone suffering from undiagnosed attention deficit disorder.


00:01:13 The Mayor of San Jacinto

00:18:39 A History of Comic Book Adds

00:26:19 Boogie Nights

00:32:48 Trees on the Cheap

00:36:14 Vitamin C

00:41:42 Wilt Chamberlain & The Ghost Chasers

00:43:46 A History of Cut Toys

00:48:47 WTLK - The Thunder

00:59:30 Like a Likeness Thing *WHATS ON OUR TUBE

01:08:29 A History X-Ray Specs

01:14:39 The Great Kazoo

01:19:05 Post Credit Thunder - DOUBLE TLK








The ESO Network 



Mark McCray 

The Best Saturdays Of Our Lives 

The Best Saturdays of Our Lives Podcast 






Beth Ah Lo


Johnathan Wheatley

Check out History of Comic Books Podcast (@HIstoryofComic):


Adam Whetston

The Ring of Thunder Podcast

Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @thundertalkthor


Kawika Ah Lo


Dan Klink

Instagram: @dan_klink

comedy, nerd, LGBTQ+The Weirdos WorkshopThe Twilight Zone, Jordon Pele, The Outer Limits, Rod Serling, Alien, Aliens, Boogie Nights, Saturday night fever, blockbuster video, showgirls, the Hapsburgs, holy roman empire, trading places, Christmas tree, Florida oranges, California oranges, San Jacinto, Kardashian, OJ Simpson, goober and the ghost chasers, Wilt Chamberlain, Lindsay Lohan, Grand Theft Auto, Stargirl, Cloak & Dagger, david cassidy, the partridge family, Hanna Barbara, rouge squadron, NATO, Patty Jenkins, Wonder Woman, The Best Saturdays of Our Lives, The Best Saturdays of Our Lives Podcast, A History of Comic Books, Ring of Thunder, Mark McCray, TBSOOL, TBSOOLP, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Archie comics, Josie and the pussycats, Guardians of the Galaxy, BraveStarr, morbius, WandaVision, Black Widow, Batwoman, HBO Max, Matrix 4, Dune, Mortal Kombat, The Suicide Squad, Spider man 3, The Avengers, WTLK, sexythorforthunderdome, sexyforuudd, sexythorforuudd, Disney +, Kate Bishop, MCU, Hawkeye, doctor strange multiverse of madness, The Walking Dead, superman & lois, Disney Investor day, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Marvel's What If, Marvel Studios, Captain America, Peggy Carter, Yondu, Black Panther 2, t'challa, shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings, Ms. Marvel, Thor Love and Thunder, Captain Marvel 2, Spider Man into the spider-verse 2, She-Hulk, Bruce Banner, Moon, Knight, Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, guardians of the galaxy vol 3, armour wars, War Machine, Iron Heart, I Am Groot, Secret Invasion, Nick Fury, ant-man and the wasp quantum mania, Blade, Fantastic 4, Star Wars, the mandalorian, book of boba fett, star wars acolyte, the high republic, rangers of the new republic, star wars ahsoka, obi-wan kenobi, star wars andor, star wars lando, star wars visions, deadpool 3, Avengers, comedy, Disney, dork, eso network,, fandom, geek humour, geek, genseration x, GI Joe, LGBTQ+, lightning lad, nerd, twitch, up up down down, vintage toys, Sexy ThorComment